Our training workshops are key components of the larger project and are held periodically and targeted at each of the three bridges of the formal education system.

SPiD-UP®|Prep™ -  Seeds of performance
Young people in JHS and post JHS are in a one day workshop taken through several programs that shapes their minds towards performance consciousness. The workshop also prepares them for self-discovery which is at its zenith in the SHS years. More info

SPiD-UP®|Discover™ -  Performance Awareness
The self-discovery years are very crucial for self-image formation and career decisions that will influence life performance. This has the most profound impact on occupational and life performance. In this two day workshop aimed at the SHS to Tertiary bridge participants are taken through very deep probing exercises and provided with advance information that will help to defines them with clarity whiles preparing them for engagement with industry. More info

SPiD-UP®|Engage™ - Maximize Engagement
The third and most advanced component is aimed at Engagement and its maximization and is for the Tertiary, Post-Tertiary and professional level.
The expected outcomes included developing the individual into a high performing person who has a major influence on his or her environment. More info

The workshop component of the project is designed to help plant the seeds of performance, facilitate awareness and empower engagement for the maximization of existence. Ultimately participant will develop the peak performance mindset that will distinguish them from their peers. The workshops are not motivational speaking sessions but technical training programs with deep probing exercises that force change. 


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