Nominate someone for high performance recognition

We are rewarding high performing people around the continent. Help by nominating someone you are impressed with. Together we can create a better performing Africa. Do it now!

Finish the year with full power

At CONFIGURE|Q4 You will evaluate the last three quarters and develop a strategy to ensure your achieve your goal for the year. CONFIGURE now includes prayer.


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For those seeking truly life transforming training programs, this is for you. Our workshops are facilitated by real performance technicians. They are not motivational speaking seminars.


Traditional media owners now also own new media platforms. The reason is simple. It is more effective because it is interactive and the results are instantly measurable.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Championing the coaching profession in Ghana

Although fairly new, coaching is an extremely fast growing profession around the world. It is now classified among the high earning professions especially in the USA. A Pricewaterhouse Coopers study commissioned in 2007 by the International Coach Federation found that part-time coaches averaged annual salaries of $26,000 and full-time coaches were averaging $82,000. Most professional coaches charge fees in the range of $150/month to $400/month for a package of 3 scheduled sessions per month. A very manageable caseload for a full-time coach is around 25 clients per month. Gross income projections can therefore be estimated by multiplying the number of clients desired by fees within that range taking local economics into consideration. Twenty-five clients, for example, at $250/month generate $75,000/year. Twenty-five clients at $350/month is $105,000. Even when those Dollar signs are replaced with Ghana Cedi signs, it is still fantastic earning for asking questions for a few hours a day. Coaches who specialize in executive, corporate and leadership coaching often charge considerably more ($600 to $1,000+/month), but prospective coaches are however, encouraged to make conservative projections when considering the field and take their local economy into consideration.

But just how important are coaches and why do they get paid so much? To understand this one must first consider the fact that; the most successful people you see around doing great things have personal coaches you don’t know about. Most coaches don’t mind being the power behind, it’s the nature of the job. As Ghana’s foremost performance coach Katey Aklie puts it;

“our job is to get others to reach their aspirations; that is how we achieve our dreams”.

Some of the aspirations they want to reach are billion dollar ventures. Consider the following scenarios:
Case 1: Imagine if you run a business worth $20 million that is under performing because of two or three key people. You are loosing money on a daily basis because of these two. A coach comes along and gets them to start ticking and your earnings for the year quadruples because of improved performance. What would that be worth to you and your organization? Wouldn’t you give 10% of your 20 million for that kind of results?
Case Two: Your teenage son is lives in the F zone at school and you are worried he will never make university. You have tried everything and nothing has helped. A coach comes along and places him among the top five in his class. What will that do for his future and what monetary value will you place on that? There are parents who will give the world to have that kind of help; they just do not know who to turn to.

“As coaches work behind the scene; accepting your place as the power behind is the mentality you need to be a good coach. It is always about other people and their aspirations and never about you. You succeed only when others succeed”. –Katey Aklie

In Ghana the seeds have only just been planted and it is developing roots really fast. Internationally certified performance coach Katey Aklie, affectionately called HOPEMAN by most is the force behind this growth and he and his team estimates that Ghana alone needs about ten thousands coaches who will shape the destiny of this nation. He insists that our politicians, business people, professionals and everyone else are functioning around 30% of their true capacities. They could really benefit from the services of a coach by just spending an hour with him/her per month. Coaching will move them to the next level and that will reflect on the national output. He also believes that youth coaching is probably one of the most needed niches at this point if this nation is to have a better future. While he conceded that the general public is not used to the idea and do not know how to use coaches, he says that things are changing as more coaches are trained and. They will through their practice show everyone else the value of coaching. He said:

“It is like everything else, you have to start from somewhere but we are already alarmed at the level of change. The thing is that Ghana already has many people who call themselves coaches. The only problem is the lack of right skills to do the job so people can actually see the benefit of the service”.

Currently he is focused on training more coaches and guiding them into the new career area. We will open new options for revenue generation for counselors, teachers, pastors and other professionals who have the inclination to help people reach their best by simply retooling them with coaching skills. There are quite a few people who call themselves coaches without really understanding what is involved. Some think it is a cool tag for motivational speaking and going around telling people to do things no one knows will work. The first training program is intended to certify all these folks who clearly have an interest and a passion to help people improve, put them into the new association and help them build their practices. This is the reason why the cost of training has been cut down by 50%. They will begin to make change as we certify and license them to start taking the profession to the next level.

The next training session begins on the 3rd of November. The five day training is collaboration between the Performance Academy and the OD institute--Africa’s only graduate School of Organizational Development headed by the world renowned OD consultant Prof. Noble Kumawu. Everyone with an interest in coaching or helping people to be their best (youth workers, teachers, pastors, counselors, managers and just about anyone) is invited to join the groundbreaking training program to prepare themselves for the coming flood of opportunities.  Call   0201197700, 0268388560 for information on the training program.


We live in a society that questions your personality, your intelligence, your identity and even your complexion. The same black folks questioning you why you still have a dark skin in the age of Whitening. Same Black folks who will tease your dreams, call you names because you are not anything like them and *they don't them* and they do not believe in the path you have chosen for yourself. A society that  defines  who a smart a woman is by the type of hair they fix on Friday evenings or how many likes they got on their nude pictures on instagram. I question just a society. I ask myself why the smartest kid in school won't have a lot of followers but the bullies? why people won't like and share a great status idea but will let a profane joke go viral? Why aren't some young beautiful women don't aspire to be educated but rather go all up and down almost naked on a some senseless music video? I wonder why some parents become serious course mates of Telenova 101 to their children, an evening subject that do not only weakens their brain but morals and while their homeworks  plead for  attachment.We are jokes! We think this has no significant impact on the lives of these young ones coming up. I am tempted to shut my mouth right now but i won't. Because, it hurts to see how we can sit and waste away our beautiful
minds  away hoping that a white man from the sky will drop to fix our nation and oh i must confess that will be a miraclous sight. I believe in Nkrumah. I belive he had a dream for people like me and the many others who truly understands the transcript of His independence Speech. I wish it was taught in schools, hanged in offices, written on billboards, screen displayed at resturants and bars to make the Ghanaian meditate on the words when He said
" We have awakened. We will not sleep anymore. Today, from now on, there is a new African in the world!
That new African is ready to fight his own battles and show that after all, the black man is capable of managing his own affairs.
We are going to demonstrate to the world, to the other nations, that we are prepared to lay our own foundation.
Our own African identity"
I have realised like Michelle Obama that i need to keep my sanity and not let others define me, there is the only one thing I can do; To have faith in God’s plan for me.I have to learn to block everything out and focus on my truth.  I have to answer some truth for myself:  Who am I?  No, really, who am I?
I have to keep up with my passion and vision. I may fully accomplish it. I may attain it partially so that somebody will come continue from where i ended. But whatever it is, we must rise as women with a yearn to be mothers and not just house wives, mentors and not just dish washers, teachers and not just sex partners. We must be make it...oh,we have to, because there is a girl out there who wants to be like you.