Monday, January 12, 2015

A New Year Message to you

A New Year message to you

This year is a gift to you. It is a gift that many had hoped to obtain but never did. Many started last year confidently hoping to see this year and even the next. It is a precious gift because it is the key with which you will unlock and shape the entirety of your very existence. It is not a coincidence you made it this far just as it is not a coincidence that you are the maturation of that sperm that made it ahead of 3 billion others who also tried to get to that egg in the quest to form the union that will become you. You are formidable, a warrior and a conqueror achieving what billions of others cannot. Your track record is there for all to see.

Once again you are at the beginning of another year holding in your hand that which you will use to engage and accomplish. It is not new to you, every year you have done this. This time you are going to do more because of the experience you have gained in this world and the many advantages you have ahead of others. It begins with your uniqueness. There is something special about you and that thing is your advantage that will enable you to accomplish that which no other person can achieve.

You have an existence and it is not a coincidence. It is one that was carefully planned and orchestrated for victory by a maker who makes only the best. Your task is to maximize this existence to the best of your ability and your key is your occupation. The one thing that occupies you the most is the vehicle with which you will get to the goal. And so you will handle it with the utmost care and work it with all the power in you. No other person can do it but you. Because you are unique—built specifically for this mission.

You will meet obstacles on the way. But those are not the problems because you are equipped to rise above them. And if they hold you down, be not afraid to reach out to your maker who will without fail rescue you and put you back on your feet. He will empower you more than ever and your race will be smoother. There have been several others in similar a position as yourself. Never has he failed those who live by his instructions and know to call on him when the need arises.

The apostle Paul was one such man. In Hebrew 12:1, he talked about this race that we must all run and went further to state how we should run it. He said we must shed the weight of such things as sin if we are going to run effectively. Sin becomes the liability that holds us back and slows us down. I therefore implore you to do your utmost best not to pick up any unnecessary weights or liabilities along the way so that you will finish well with full power. So that the lord your God will say to you; well-done faithful servant. Paul points us to Jesus as the example we must follow if we are to make any progress. He of course was the most accomplished individual to ever walk the earth and his mission was always to show us the way. The great way! The one you must follow if we are to accomplish.

Paul spoke also in 2 Timothy 4:7. He said he has fought the good fight and kept the faith and looks forward to his reward. There is a reward awaiting you and I am not talking only about the afterlife. For us as Christians the reward is twofold. To serve the purpose for which God created you has its earthly as well as heavenly rewards. So you must run your race very well knowing that it is not in vain. And if for any reason you wonder about your capability or the support of God, let me remind you about what God said to Moses when he expressed fear seeing that he was going to face a super-power like Egypt. Only one question turned the whole thing around: what is in your hand. As Moses’ staff turned into a snake, that occupation in your hand will become something phenomenal beyond your wildest dreams. It begins with your understanding of the power of the staff in your hand and the one who put it in your hand. You have an omnipotent and omniscient power at your disposal. I encourage you this day to use it to the best of your ability.

I cannot end without taking a lesson from the wisest man who ever lived. In Ecclesiastic 9:10 Solomon admonishes us, whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do with all they might. What marvelous words of encouragement from the man who was a custodian of divine wisdom. He of course was referring to your occupation. Like Moses, It is what is in your hand at the moment. Put everything you have into it. For whiles your goal might be beyond it, it is the vehicle that can get you there. May the God of Jacob, Isaac and Abraham guide and protect you while empowering you with wisdom knowledge and understanding in order to accomplish in this year more than you have ever accomplished in any year. It begins where you are now. The bridge between your location and your destination is your performance in your occupation. Be more this year and may His Favour, Grace and Mercy never depart from you.

This message is a refined version of my short exhortation at Fast Track Financial Services limited during their end of year get-together and awards night. I thought it will be good to share with you as well. Please accept it as my New Year message to you. I suspect I will be using it in a few other places before the end of the month.
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